Clinician Spotlight: Perryn Elizabeth Dutiger, LMSW
We’re back with another Clinician Spotlight and are excited to welcome you into Perryn’s world! You may have seen Perryn Elizabeth Dutiger, LMSW leading one of our complimentary Guided Mindful […]
Befriending Our Breath & Relaxing With The 4-7-8 Technique

Nourish Your Mind Psychotherapist, Perryn Dutiger, LMSW introduces us to the practice of the 4-7-8 Breathing Technique to help encourage relaxation in the body.
4 Ways to Improve Virtual Social Connection

Virtual connection may be all we have for now with certain loved ones. Let’s make the best of it! Nourish Your Mind’s Founder, Jessica Sullivan, shares 4 ideas to improve your virtual connection.
A Guide to Intentional Breathing for Anytime

Kundalini Yoga Instructor and Psychotherapist, Sara Pitcher, shares the benefits of intentional breathing and two techniques to help calm your nervous system during this extra stressful time.
Meditation: The Benefits of Communicating with Your Mind

Meditation is much more than the practice of sitting still and being “thoughtless”. Learn the benefits of Meditation on improving overall wellbeing.
The Benefits of Yoga for Mental Wellness

Yoga is known to be a wellness technique for mind, body, and spirit. Psychotherapist & Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Sara Pitcher outlines some of the physical and emotional benefits of yoga to help inspire your commitment to your self-care.
5 Ways to Increase Motivation (Naturally!)

Learn 5 Ways to Increase Your Motivation Today!
7 Affirmations to Switch on Your “Happiness Button” Each Morning

What we do within the first moments of our morning can greatly influence the rest of our day. Waking up and scrolling through Facebook, hitting the snooze button and other […]