Clinician Spotlight: Perryn Elizabeth Dutiger, LMSW
We’re back with another Clinician Spotlight and are excited to welcome you into Perryn’s world! You may have seen Perryn Elizabeth Dutiger, LMSW leading one of our complimentary Guided Mindful […]
An Introduction to Horticultural Therapy

An Introduction to Horticultural Therapy with Lauren Mariotti, LCSW. Horticultural therapy uses plants and gardening to improve mental and physical health.
The Benefits of Yoga for Mental Wellness

Yoga is known to be a wellness technique for mind, body, and spirit. Psychotherapist & Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Sara Pitcher outlines some of the physical and emotional benefits of yoga to help inspire your commitment to your self-care.
Using Mindfulness to Reduce Holiday Stress

Learn some tips from a certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction therapist to reduce your holiday stress this season!
Cultivating Gratitude and Integrating Mind, Body & Spirit into Therapy

Nourish Your Mind Psychotherapist, Amanda Karam, LMHC introduces you to the powerful positive effects of Gratitude on mental health. Learn a Step by Step Summary: How to Practice Gratitude throughout your day.
DBT Skills Groups Starting Soon!!!

Learn Coping Skills while Connecting with Others! Young Adult & Adolescent DBT Groups starting in April! Sign up Today!
Why You Need to Slow Down

Slowing down can have a profound impact on your health. Click here to learn how!