The Offices of Jessica C. Sullivan LCSW, PLLC

Frequently Asked Questions

Jessica C. Sullivan LCSW, PLLC & Nourish Your Mind, LLC:

Jessica C. Sullivan LCSW, PLLC contracts with Nourish Your Mind, LLC to bring integrative services such as nutrition and yoga into your community. All mental health and psychotherapy services are solely provided by the offices of Jessica C. Sullivan LCSW, PLLC.

Do you accept insurance?

Nourish Your Mind can work with many commercial insurance plans! We start the process by analyzing your specific coverage and having a discussion with you so you fully understand your benefits and financial responsibilities for sessions at our office. In most cases, we bill your insurance directly and save you the hassle of any paperwork.

What times do you have available for appointments?

We understand that life can be busy! Most of our clinicians have hours available from the early afternoon into the late evening. Weekend hours are also available. We do our best to match you with a clinician that is a great fit for your therapeutic needs, personality style AND schedule. Please note, that a waitlist may apply for appointments.

Do you practice evidence-based treatment?

Absolutely! Our clinician’s are specially trained in a variety of evidence-based therapeutic modalities. Upon your initial intake call, we will assess your needs and match you with a therapist who’s skills and training are the best fit to support you in overcoming your struggles. Some of the techniques used by our specialists include:

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy
  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)
  • The Gottman Method
  • Internal Family Systems Therapy
  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
  • Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
  • Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • Trust Based Relational Intervention
  • and More!

What should I expect during my first session?

A friendly, supportive face! Your therapist will be looking forward to welcoming you into your new safe space. The only goal for our clinician’s during the first session is to build rapport, help you feel comfortable in our office, and have you leave feeling connected and looking forward to the next session. We do not have an agenda or a strict plan, the session can focus on whatever you feel comfortable with. We will cover some specific office policies with you, like confidentiality, and have some initial questions to help us understand your history and current goals. However, we will always honor your pace and don’t expect you to share anything you’re not comfortable with, especially the first time we meet.

What is a typical therapy session like?

Every session is going to vary, based on what you bring into the office that day and what you need from your therapist. Some sessions will be more skill-based, some will have structured activities or guided breathing/meditation, some will feel more like you are doing all of the talking and your therapist is doing all of the listening (and sometimes those roles are reversed). We are trained to sense and assess what you bring into the room and what you need to leave with. We promise to provide a safe space for you, each and every session.

Do you work with children?

We currently provide individual psychotherapy and counseling services to ages 8 and up. Visit to learn about our child group therapy offerings.

How long and how often will we meet?

Our sessions will last 45 minutes and usually occur on a weekly basis. Generally, most client’s come in weekly until they start achieving their goals and then the option to come every other week or once per month can be discussed. Your therapist will assess your needs and make their clinical recommendation to you along the way. We highly recommend starting with weekly sessions, however in some cases of trauma or severe symptoms, twice per week can be necessary.

Why would I want to talk to a therapist?

Therapists are an impartial, unbiased, highly trained professional that’s only mission is to support, guide, and help you through whatever you are experiencing. We provide a safe, nonjudgmental space for you to utilize in whichever way you feel necessary. You can talk to us about your family, a relationship, a loss, mental health, school or work struggles, or any adjustment that you are coming to terms with. We can help you to develop skills to better cope with life’s stressors and work with you to shift your perspective and thinking patterns that may be holding you back from finding your balance. A therapeutic relationship is a very special partnership that can have a powerful effect in your life.

How is a therapist chosen for me?

Once you have filled out our New Client Appointment Request, you will be connected with our Client Relations Manager, Donna Caruso, who will review your insurance plan with you and help set up your complimentary phone consultation with a member of our Clinical Team. This is when our match making process begins! One of our Assistant Clinical Directors will hold a phone consultation with you which will include learning more about what is going on, why you are reaching out, your personality, and what you are looking for in a therapist. With this information, we will match you with a specialist who we feel will match your personality, and have the training and style required to help you reach your therapeutic goals.

How long will I have to be in therapy?

You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do! How long you are in therapy is based on your clinician’s professional opinion and what feels right for you! Some people come in for a few months for short-term problem solving or skill-building. Others stay with their therapist for years, as they truly value this type of relationship and support as a part of their ongoing quality of life. Some people come and go as needed through the years to troubleshoot problems as they arise. There is no rule book on how long you should stay in therapy, but our general recommendation is, you should stay for as long as you are finding it to be a valuable experience. We truly believe that therapy is an important, ongoing self-care practice for everyone.

How does confidentiality work?

Our offices are safe spaces. Anything you say in them stays in them. We are healthcare providers and are bound by HIPAA Laws, just like your medical doctors. Legally, our confidentiality can only be broken in very specific circumstances, such as, if you threaten to harm yourself or others, or report child abuse. Your therapist will fully review confidentiality with you on your first session. If you have concerns before getting started, our Client Relations Manager will be able to answer and address any questions you may have. Our full privacy policy is available at anytime for your review and can be found if you scroll down to the very bottom of our website.

What makes us different from other therapy offices?

We take the time to get to know you before you even enter our doors. It’s extremely important to us that you are paired with a clinician that you can have a meaningful and beneficial therapeutic relationship with. Our match-making process sets us apart from other offices. We hope to put you at ease by knowing that your therapist has been hand picked for you specifically by one of our Assistant Clinical Directors, who is also a Licensed Psychotherapist. We want to answer all of your questions and make you feel confident about coming in for your appointment. We know this process takes courage, resilience, and strength and we are honored that you have chosen us to be a part of this process.

I’m ready to get started! How do I make my first appointment?

To begin the new client process, please complete our New Client Request Form at This allows you to securely submit your personal and insurance information, as well as provide insight as to what you are looking for in a therapist, your preferred office location, availability for sessions and share more about what you are experiencing. This information will be sent directly to our Client Relations Manager, who will review it and contact you to schedule your complimentary consultation so we can match you with the best therapist for your needs! Once we’ve made our match, we will get you on the schedule as soon as possible. In most cases, we are able to accommodate new appointments within a week, sometimes sooner.

Does Nourish Your Mind’s Integrative Nutrition replace my Doctor?

No. Our Practitioners are not medical doctors and do not diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Integrative Nutrition is complementary to your work with your physician, will help support any medical conditions you may have and help you reach your health goals. During our work together, you will be encouraged to maintain open communication with your doctor. Your Integrative Nutritionist will coordinate care with your doctor as needed, with your permission. Should you choose to discontinue any medications during your therapy, this should be done under the supervision of your prescribing physician.