Increasing Positive Thinking

We all have negative thoughts. There is no way around that. One thing we can do, though, is change how often we have these thoughts, how we react to them, and acknowledge why we are having them.
Maintaining Friendships in a Pandemic

While it is important to follow the guidelines for Covid-19, it is also important to keep relationships with your friends and family. Allow this pandemic to show you that physical closeness and face-to-face interactions aren’t the only thing keeping you and your friends connected.
The Art of Being Alone

Although it can be a hard skill to master, it is beneficial to practice being content with only yourself as company.
Navigating Isolation and Loneliness

We all feel lonely sometimes. It is important to have coping mechanisms in place in case your loneliness starts to feel a bit overwhelming. Learn some tips to combat loneliness and isolation.
The Uncertainty of Returning to School

School Social Worker & Nourish Your Mind Psychotherapist, Jeanette Rivera, LCSW discusses the upcoming return to school and provides validation and tips to help navigate the mixed emotions for parents.
College in the Time of COVID-19

One in five college students reported that their mental health had worsened since the pandemic began. You don’t have to manage this alone.