The Offices of Jessica C. Sullivan LCSW, PLLC

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Concerned about the upcoming transition to college?

Already started college but finding the transition tough?

You’re NOT alone!

Ages 17-20

Every Other Thursday from 7:30-8:30pm, Starts April 12th

This group will provide a safe place for young men to discuss the hardships of college transition.  Led by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, we will address social anxiety, safety issues, work vs. play balance, taking on new challenges, and more. Develop new insight, coping skills and problem-solving while connecting with others with similar struggles.

Parents: If your son is dealing with any of the following, please contact us for more info:

Nourish Your Mind, LLC – Integrative Mental Health offers individual and group counseling to the Hudson Valley area.

Call or Text: (845) 547-0479 / Email: [email protected]

Interested in joining? Contact us!

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