The Offices of Jessica C. Sullivan LCSW, PLLC

Meet Jennifer Powers, LMT, CHC.

Jennifer is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Health Coach, Reiki Practitioner and current SUNY Student who has joined Nourish Your Mind for her undergraduate internship this semester. Jennifer’s working towards the impressive goal of one day becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and we are thrilled to be a part of her Journey! Jennifer currently co-facilitates our Young Adult DBT Skills group with Danielle Medina, LCSW on Thursday nights in our Monroe, NY office. Jennifer brings years of both professional and personal experience in the healing world and her energy has a calming effect on all those around her. See below for more details about Jennifer in her own words. We’d encourage you to also check out her private practice in Warwick, NY at

What is the most important thing you have learned in the last five years?

The most important thing I have learned in the past five years is to trust myself. Every day presents new challenges, and I can decide to pause and listen to my inner guidance so that I know what step to take next. This practice allows me to be myself in every situation.

What is your favorite part about working with Nourish Your Mind?

I love the strong female energy encompassing Nourish Your Mind. The practitioners have been inspiring and welcoming. The monthly professional trainings provided by Nourish are a blessing, they keep their practitioners informed on the most recent research in mental health.

Tell me how you first got involved in with Mental Health . . .

I have always been a deep thinker, more interested in the workings of things rather than just face value. I have struggled with trauma, depression, debilitating panic attacks, and have sought out therapy from a young age. The mental health assistance I have received has changed my life and allowed me to unhinge from a rigid and fearful mindset. I feel for those who are struggling to cope with hopelessness and fear because I have been there. I am interested in many modalities of therapy such as art therapy, yoga, massage, play, music, relaxation techniques, animal therapy, drama therapy, and talk therapy.

What do you like most about your role at Nourish?

My role of co-facilitating a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy group for young adults has allowed me to practice listening, validating, mindfulness, and to learn new skills with the group. The group members provide a safe space and support one another. I get to witness individuals work through their issues and radically accept their situation while doing so. This is an inspiring opportunity and I leave feeling that I learned something new each week.

What are your hopes for the future of the Mental Health Industry?

My hope for the future of the mental health industry is that it is recognized as equal value to all health. With this recognition I hope that the pay grade also increases for mental health practitioners because their work is lifesaving.

How would you describe your style as a Group Facilitator? 

I am a relaxed group facilitator. I do not speak just to fill space, but I do try to encourage everyone to participate especially if they are scared or feel socially uncomfortable. The results from practicing what we are afraid of doing are invaluable.

What do you feel makes you unique as a Clinician in your field?

I have a private practice as a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Health Coach, and Reiki practitioner so I have a strong wellness background to bring to the mental health table. I love working with people, getting to know how they treat themselves, and what their goals are. The challenges and successes I have experienced from owning a business will serve me well moving forward as an LCSW.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?

I want to try stand up one day!

Motto or personal mantra?

Stick to the facts.

What are three career lessons you’ve learned thus far?

Three major career lessons I have learned are how to manage my time, relaxed listening, and when to take a mental health day!

What would you tell someone who is thinking about seeking counseling services for the first time?

If you have been seeking help, there is something pulling you toward it. Listen to yourself, give yourself a chance. Having someone to talk to is such a benefit for us and those around us. Let’s find you a good fit.

What do you do when you aren’t working?

I love to be outside climbing mountains and sitting near waterfalls. Otherwise, I am making up a new nickname for my cat, endlessly lint rolling black clothing, decorating my home with fresh flowers, doing homework (womp), drawing/painting, playing guitar, singing, meditating, learning how to play the ukulele, at the gym, dancing around my apartment to Chaka Khan. Movement and expression are important to me (I am a Gemini). I spend time with my family as much as I can. A favorite activity of mine is cooking with friends.

What is an ability you wish you had?


If you were an animal what would you be? And why?

I would be a great blue heron or a snow leopard. I appreciate time alone just like a snow leopard in the mountains and a heron in a marsh. They are graceful and patient, I tend to be more of an observer.

What is the last joke you recall?

My favorite stand-up comedians are Jim Gaffigan and Demetri Martin. “Pie can’t compete with cake. Put candles in a cake, it’s a birthday cake. Put candles in a pie and somebody’s drunk in the kitchen.” Jim Gaffigan

Interested in working with Jennifer? Sign up for our Young Adult DBT Group HERE.

You can also visit Jennifer Powers, LMT, CHC at her private practice in Warwick, NY for a Massage Therapy, Health Coaching, or Reiki session. / @powersofchange / 845.245.5353